What You Must Know about the Upcoming Movie -Trap

This movie will make your adrenaline rush. Keep your fingers crossed!

What You Must Know About The Upcoming Movie Trap
What You Must Know About The Upcoming Movie Trap

You would have heard about or watched many thriller movies. We are going to look at one such movie that is going to be released. It has been directed by M. Night Shyamalan, who is world famous for his prowess in directing psychological thriller films. So, without further ado, let’s look at some fascinating facts about the movie, “Trap,” which will be released in the US on the 9th of August, 2024. 

The Cast of Trap

The movie includes a star-studded cast, such as Josh Hartnett and Saleka Shyamalan, who is the eldest daughter of the movie’s director, M. Night Shyamalan. Saleka is a renowned singer, songwriter, and actress. Some of the other actors in the movie are Ariel Donoghue, Alison Pill, and Hayley Mills. With such a star-studded cast, Trap is expected to rake in millions of dollars.

The Plot of Trap

Trap revolves around a serial killer, known as “The Butcher.” He attends a concert with his teenage daughter but realizes later that the concert itself is a target location set by the police to catch him! 


Josh Hartnett plays the role of “Cooper,” which is the serial killer’s real name. During the concert, he leaves his daughter for some time to go to the restroom. And, that’s the time when things begin to unfold. Viewers might have lots of questions in mind, such as “Is the daughter going to be kidnapped?” But you must watch the movie to know the answers to all these questions!

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