Play ‘snake’ on Google Maps!

Usually, every bit of news you read on an April Fools day requires you to double-check the facts, but we assure you this one is for real.

I wanted to catch up some new shows on Netflix on my commute to work, but that’s off the table now. Google, in what might be deemed as an April Fool’s gag, is introducing the iconic ‘snake game’ on iOS and Android devices.

The game will be available for playing only for about a week. Starting from April 1st you’ll be able to play snake game on the Google Maps app.

All you have to do is select the option from inside the app, pick on the city you want to play in (Cairo, São Paulo, London, Sydney, San Francisco, Tokyo, or the entire world), and then go around the place, picking up passengers, as your train gets longer and longer.

Also, Google was kind enough to release this game as a standalone website. Check out the website here.

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