It takes two crashes for Boeing to fix its software

After two major flight crashes, Boeing announced a software fix/update to its flight control software. This further opens the gates to question the credibility of the two flights Boeing 737 Max that crashed one two days back and the other 5 months ago. This news was announced following massive outrage from people and federal institutions around the world. It is expected that Boeing may face pressure from the US Federal Aviation Administration to fix the flight control software.

Boeing in its official statement said:

“For the past several months and in the aftermath of Lion Air Flight 610, Boeing has been developing a flight control software enhancement for the 737 MAX, designed to make an already safe aircraft even safer. This includes updates to the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) flight control law, pilot displays, operation manuals, and crew training. The more than enhanced flight control law incorporates angle of attack (AOA) inputs, limits stabilizer trim commands in response to an erroneous angle of attack reading, and provides a limit to the stabilizer command in order to retain elevator authority.”

Though Boeing claims that they are safe, only time will tell whose negligence and inefficiency cost 340 innocent lives.

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