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Famous & Fabulous Food Movies of All Time

Famous & Fabulous Food Movies Of All Time
Famous & Fabulous Food Movies Of All Time

Crispy crunchy nuggets, sizzling hot steak, pancakes with sweet maple syrup…


Does your mouth water when you hear them? Are you a foodie? Then, you will love the list of food movies we have hand-picked for you! Foodie or not, these movies about chefs, restaurants, and food will keep you hooked till the end. So, read on and find out what we have in store for you!


  1. No Reservations

It’s a romantic comedy starring Catherine Zeta-Jones, Abigail Breslin, and Aaron Eckhart. The story revolves around a talented head chef, Kate Armstrong (played by Zeta-Jones), whose sister is killed in an accident. Kate takes in her little niece, Zoe, and what follows is a comic as well as emotional drama around these two and another chef, Nick (played by Eckart). The way in which Kate chooses the ingredients for her signature dishes and her extraordinary finesse in cooking will connect well with chefs across the globe. Eventually, Kate and Nick fall in love and the climax of the movie is a happy, heart-warming one. The film is wrapped up with the scene of Kate, Nick, and Zoe happily running a restaurant of their own! 


  1. Julie & Julia

This one is an American comedy-drama (once again!) with Meryl Streep playing Julia Child and Amy Adams playing Julie Powell. The movie centers around the fantabulous chef of the 1950s – Julia Child. Julie Powell, from 2002, tries to cook all the 524 recipes from Julia Child’s cookbook in all of 365 days. And, the highlight of the story is that Julie Powell succeeds in doing it! The inspiration Julie draws from Julia’s cookbook and the efforts she puts in to finish what she started are endearing and amazing. 


  1. Ratatouille

This is an awe-inspiring animated movie with Remy, who is a young rat with extraordinary senses of smell and taste. Remy steps in to help Alfredo Linguini, who has spoiled a soup and tries desperately to fix it at the restaurant where he works. What ensues is the story of how Remy, Linguini, and the restaurant’s only female chef work together. Remy, the rat, concocts a variation of the peasant dish known as ratatouille, which is tasted by food critic, Anton Ego. Ego is reminded of his mother’s cooking when he tastes the dish. In the end, Ego writes a review of the restaurant by praising Remy, the rat, but without actually revealing that he’s a rat! He describes Remy as “nothing less than the finest chef in France.”

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