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Unknown Facts About John Krasinski

Unknown Facts About John Krasinski
Unknown Facts About John Krasinski

A Quiet Place sequel propels Krasinski’s name among the audience. Are you curious to know more about the actor who played Mr. Fantastic(Reed Richards) in Marvel Cinematic Universe? Here are the interesting facts about John Krasinski you need to know. 

  • He aspires to become an English teacher at the beginning. Later, he ended up in an acting career. He becomes successful as an actor as well as a director. 
  • John Krasinski hates horror films actually but A Quiet Place made him change a little. He earlier said that he was afraid to watch horror films on screen. 
  • He is a typical family man. Jenna Fischer and John Krasinski never dated in the real life. He was a big fan of hers before their marriage. He said to Glamour, “ I’m lucky enough that she stayed with me and didn’t realize that she had really married her stalker!”
  • The filming process of Quiet Place was completed by him within 36 days. As an actor and director, he feels burdensome with the work he does in that hectic time. Krasinski finished the filming within one month compared to other Hollywood films take an average of 60 days to shoot. 
  • B J Novak influenced Krasinksi to become an actor now reached successful. They knew each other while studying in high school. 

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