

The Most Controversial Movie of All Time!

This film is said to be based on real events that happened in 17 century French Town.

The Most Controversial Movie Of All Time!
The Most Controversial Movie Of All Time!

The Devils, a 1971 British historical horror film is one of the most controversial movies of all time. The film was directed by Ken Russels who previously worked as a television director. This film is said to be based on real events that happened in 17 century French Town.

In 1971, The Devil’s original cut was banned all over the world and it faced harsh criticism and censorship. This film consists of intense violence, sexuality, and religious themes. The Devils was rated as X in the U.K and the U.K, so they released a heavily edited version. Many film critics say this film is a must-see and masterpiece but this film is not available on any streaming platforms or on DVD. This film is about sister Jeane of Angeles and her sexual obsession with Urbain Grandier and this act leads to his death.

The Most Controversial Movie Of All Time!
The Most Controversial Movie Of All Time!

The Devils faced harsh criticism and censorship mainly due to scenes of the nuns devolving into a naked orgy statue of Christ assaulted by the naked nuns. In fact, the x-rating was given only after Russel cut out the most controversial scenes. Russel partner tribble says that “Russel was devastated by America’s decision to release a butchered decision of the film. She also added, “I imagine that from his greater vantage point in the cosmos, he undoubtedly hopes against hope that it will someday be declared acceptable as a significant contribution to world cinema and an example of his, Reed’s and Redgrave’s unique insight, talents and bravura.” The only real outrage today regarding Ken Russell’s The Devils is that this unparalleled British masterpiece is still unavailable to see as its director intended, even 50 years on.”

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