
Oscars 2020 goes host-less once again!

The upcoming Oscars 2020 will also not have any host. This was confirmed at the TCA press meet by Karey Burke, president of ABC Entertainment.

The upcoming Oscars 2020 will also not have any host. This was confirmed at the TCA press meet by Karey Burke, president of ABC Entertainment.

“Let me confirm it now, together with the Academy, that there will be no traditional host this year,” Burke said, emphasizing that she thought 2019’s host-free telecast worked.

There’s been mixed reviews and feedback about the decision.

“For the first hour or so, the novelty and general amiability of the presenters and winners made it seem like the host had been the thing dragging down the Oscars all these years,” wrote USA TODAY TV critic Kelly Lawler.

“In truth, the show wasn’t really that different, because no matter who the Academy chooses for the gig, once the host delivers a monologue, he or she typically disappears for most of the rest of the show — so much so that it’s always kind of surprised when they show up again, usually to make a joke about something that’s occurred during the broadcast so that you can tell they’ve been paying attention,” wrote the Arizona Republic’s Bill Goodykoontz.

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