Christian Nodal Conquered Cazzu’s Heart by Channeling His Inner Romeo

Check out the cutest love story of Mexican singer, Nodal, and rapper, Cazzu

Christian Nodal Conquered Cazzu’s Heart By Channeling His Inner Romeo
Christian Nodal Conquered Cazzu’s Heart By Channeling His Inner Romeo

The Mexican singer, Christian Nodal, has revealed how many struggles he went through to win the Argentine rapper, Cazzu’s heart. 

Christian Nodal, famous for his regional Mexican music, said that he had to devise many strategies to gain her. He stated that he had to play Romeo as possible as he could, the Argentinian women are difficult and they wanted to leave him in their friend zone. But Nodal said, “ I will give it my all, she was my crush.” As his first approach, the singer dedicated a song to his crush. 

The Mexican singer even planned to go to Argentina to meet the rapper, but it became impossible as she was preparing for her song. However, later, the rapper went to Mexico to visit him. On their first meeting, the Argentine rapper impressed Nodal by singing his songs out loudly. Nodal exclaims, “When I opened the car door for her, she got out and she was very pretty, and I said, ‘It has to be for me.’” 

Nodal recalls he even approached Romeo Santos to do him a favor to win Cazzu’s heart. To make their date more special, Nodal hired Los Bybys, one of Cazzu’s favorite bands to play at the hotel. And that’s how he won his lady love.  

The love story of Nodal and Cazzu is, indeed, romantic and beautiful. 

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