Captain Marvel’s Box-Office Collection Whoops to $760 Million!

In less than 10 days of its showtime, the flick, Captain Marvel already broke many Box-Office records of superhero movies. The movie is on the credo of topping the list. Here’s what the Box-Office Chart says,

Superhero MovieBox-Office Collection (Worldwide)
Wonder Woman$821.8 million
Captain Marvel (Still Running)$760.2 million
Suicide Squad$747 million
Captain America: Winter Soldier$714 million
Doctor Strange$678 million
Man of Steel$668 million
Justice League$658 million
Thor: The Dark World$645 million
Iron Man 2$624 million
Ant-Man and The Wasp$623 million
Experts predict that the movie will earn around $1 billion succeeding all the movies of the masquerade

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