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This is Why Oprah Winfrey Didn’t Marry Stedman Graham

After being in a relationship for more than three decades, Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham have never got married are had children together.

After being in a relationship for more than three decades, Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham have never got married are had children together. In a recent interview to “People” magazine’s “Women Changing the World” issue, she opened about the reasons why she didn’t tie the know or had children with Stedman Graham.

“In 1993, the moment after I said yes to his proposal, I had doubts. I realized I didn’t actually want a marriage. I wanted to be asked,” Winfrey wrote. “I wanted to know he felt I was worthy of being his missus, but I didn’t want the sacrifices, the compromises, the day-in-day-out commitment required to make a marriage work. My life with the show was my priority, and we both knew it.”

She added: “He and I agree that had we tied the marital knot, we would not still be together.”

Oprah Winfrey strongly believed that she was lucky enough to find Graham and he was a “spiritual partner” her he was able to create an identity and purpose outside of being “Oprah’s man.”

“I thought he was nice enough, but I wasn’t that impressed. He was polite, yes, and kind. The sort of guy who sits with an ailing friend. Tall and handsome, for sure. But actually too handsome, I thought, to be interested in me,” she wrote. “I figured he must be a player. So did all my producers. They warned me not to get involved with that Stedman guy.”

“He’s never demanding anything from me like, ‘Where’s my breakfast? Where’s my dinner?’ Never any of that, which I believed would have changed had we married. No question about it – we would not stay married because of what that would have meant to him, and I would have had my own ideas about it.”

“At one point in Chicago, I had bought an additional apartment because I was thinking, ‘Well, if we get married, I’m going to need room for children,’ ” Winfrey said.

It is so amusing that the duo managed to build such a cordial and mutually respectful relationship without marriage or children.

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