
The Pussycat Dolls reunite, fans in total meltdown!

Yay! The most successful musical band of the 2000s, the best- selling girl group of all time is all set reunite for UK & Ireland tour, post their disbandment in 2010.

The Pussycat Dolls reunite, fans in total meltdown!

Yay! The most successful musical band of the 2000s, the best- selling girl group of all time is all set reunite for UK & Ireland tour, post their disbandment in 2010.

The ‘Don’t Cha’ American girl group, Nicole Scherzinger, Ashley Roberts, Kimberly Wyatt, Carmit Bachar, and Jessica Sutta announced they are officially back together and will be heading out on tour April 2020.

The chart-topping girl group isn’t back totally the way it was back in 2004, sadly Melody Thornton wouldn’t be joining the girls for the tour as she finds a reunion after the split a ‘nightmare’. The Pussycat Dolls too didn’t address the return of Melody, so the band is back to life with only five members.

Now that the PCD REUNION is officially on, you get to see their first television performance in ten years, on the finale of The X Factor: Celebrity on November 30, 2019. Get ready to celebrate the reunion and jog your memories of the Dolls from your homes!!

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