Philippine President Duterte explains how he cured himself of gayness

Rodrigo Duterte revealed he was gay for a brief period of time while being married to his first wife whom he separated from in 2000.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, while delivering a speech ahead of his visit to Tokyo told the Filipino community he “used to be gay” before he “cured” himself.

Duterte went on to say that he was “cured” after meeting his current partner and businesswoman Honeylet Avanceña. He said that he now hated handsome men and instead goes head over heels over beautiful women.

Robert Duterte, also known as the Trump of the East, for obvious reasons, is known to be anti-LGBT and poke fun at gay people, despite the Philippines government allowing same-sex marriage. However, the LGBT community have only limited legal rights. Being predominantly Catholic, he doesn’t recognize marriages other than those between a man and a woman.

But despite all that, he has vowed to protect the LGBT community.

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