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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood The Same as Cliff Booth End Chapter!

Further, it was within a short period that Quentin Tarantino returned with the new movie after 4 yrs of “The Hateful Eight.”

The opening and end line of ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ was just the same as his end one and the film has quite a lot of sense when you see it. Further, it was within a short period that Quentin Tarantino returned with the new movie after 4 yrs of “The Hateful Eight.”

Following this was his film Inglourious Basterds where it depicts another edition of a story set in 1960.

The characters Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth were the real-life stories based on two best pals Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt who struggled to make their way to Hollywood. It says how they had walked past many actors, directors and A-listers from those years like Sharon Tate played by Margot Robbie and Bruce Lee played by Mike Moh.

Since it was based ion the 1960’s era the movie showed the existence of Charles Manson and his clan but with a little twist.

Despite following Sharon Tate, the Manson’s keep an eye on Rick Dalton but were not keen on Cliff. Cliff was a huge star whose end was seen taking him in an ambulance after he gets injured. The last line that Cliff spoke was delivered prior to leaving in the ambulance. This has been the opening line in the movie.

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