Monday meme mania: Blackholes, Science and racism

I know, office can make you a wuss. And on top of that, it’s Monday, the least productive day of all weekdays. I can relate to you, beacuse I am sitting in my office, still trying to recover from the weekend hangover.

Feels like Friday already. Ugh.

Enough said. Here are some Safe-for-workplace memes to scroll in your free time.


1. Wish there was this psychiatric help in every office.


2. Blackhole discovery to be adapted in Netflix and Manga


3. Blackhole in 1080 HD


4. Sicko Mode IRL


5. Wait, what?


6. The next wave of humanity is here.

I know, office can make you a wuss. And on top of that, it’s Monday, the least productive day of all weekdays. I can relate to you, beacuse I am sitting in my office, still trying to recover from the weekend hangover.

Feels like Friday already. Ugh.

Enough said. Here are some Safe-for-workplace memes to scroll in your free time.

1. Wish there was this psychiatric help in every office.

2. Blackhole discovery to be adapted in Netflix and Manga

3. Blackhole in 1080 HD

4. Sicko Mode IRL

5. Wait, what?

6. The next wave of humanity is here.

7. Explaining science to a Vampire be like

8. Office hours after lunch

9. Now I don’t need to pay any electricity bills anymore

10. Racial paradox.



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