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Marvel Superheroes Who Won The Battles

Marvel Superheroes Who Won The Battles
Marvel Superheroes Who Won The Battles

Marvel Superheroes

Hundreds of battles are visible within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The superheroes’ battle is an unavoidable part of each Marvel film. Continue reading to know more about the marvel superheroes who won the most battle.


Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff attain various victories in The Avengers, Age of Ultron, Black Widow, and in the Endgame she didn’t survive. She proved the overall victory by sacrificing herself to secure the soul stone. Moreover, she has recorded wins in her solo films. 



Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-man got a lot of attention from people around various parts of the world. He often wins against many superheroes such as Falcon, and Winter Soldier, and it is balanced in Captain America. Peter’s role is helpful in Avengers until continuing in No Way Home finally. 



In most films, Hulk helps many superheroes. He is the strongest avenger who has a consistent powerhouse in every single film. Also, he appeared in Thor: Ragnarök to help Thor to fight against Hela. 

Marvel Superheroes -Hulk
Marvel Superheroes -Hulk

Captain America

More appearance of Captain America is visible in three solo films and Avengers. He deserves this nomination due to his fight with Loki, Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Spider-Man, etc. Steve who played Captain America came out victorious in the final battle of the Civil War

Marvel Superheroes Who Won The Battles
Marvel Superheroes Who Won The Battles


It is clear that Thor is the only MCU who had four solo films. He was the one who beheaded Thanos and defeated Loki, Hulk, Hela, and Malekith. Additionally, he also beat Zeaus and Gorr in Love and Thunder.

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