Marvel’s plan to introduce a gay role(s) in its movies

The Russo brothers, director of Avengers: Endgame revealed in one of its interviews that it plans to unveil a gay superhero, taking a solid step to represent with the LGBTQ population.

“There is a gay character coming up in one of their films, and I think Kevin will make that announcement, I’m sure pretty soon,” said Joe Russo.

More than that, the Russo brothers revealed that the gay character will be played by someone fans already know. It’s more of a ‘coming out of the closet’ thing.

It’s interesting to note that one of the Russo brothers, namely Joe Russo appeared in the Endgame movie aftermath the snap that decimated half of the universe. In that particular scene, he narrates how went on a date with another ‘man’ and had an awkward conversation, crying over dessert. It might have been a small, insignificant role but it’s probably the first openly gay character in any Marvel movie.

Joe Russo said that we can expect to see additional gay roles in future Marvel Cinematic Universe, though he doesn’t disclose it yet.

According to Kevin Feige, there are two gay roles in works. “One’s you’ve seen and ones you haven’t seen,” he adds.

We are awaiting the official announcement from Kevin as to who is going to portray those roles.

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