Amazon Wants to Sack Employees Voicing For Climate Change

Amazon human resource representatives have issued a warning letter to a couple of the employees who are said to have maligned the company’s climate policies on an open platform.

Amazon human resource representatives have issued a warning letter to a couple of the employees who are said to have maligned the company’s climate policies on an open platform. One of the principal designers Maren Costa who is also a member of “Amazon employees for climate justice” was terrified after receiving the letter which states “…may result in formal corrective action, to and including termination of your employment with Amazon…”

It’s not even been 6 months since the E-commerce giant announced a “Climate Pledge” which includes Amazon’s commitment to 100% renewable energy by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2040.

Meanwhile, Amazon has updated its policy on employee comments on social media and press in which it is stated that it is mandatory to seek authorization from the company before speaking out anything on the company’s climate policy.

But Costa said she will not be silenced. She wrote, “It’s our moral responsibility to speak up — regardless of Amazon’s attempt to censor us — especially when climate poses such an unprecedented threat to humanity.”

Employees Kowalski and Emily Cunningham duly received a similar warning letter like Costa and have been warned in a separate meeting that speaking about Amazon’s climate policy on social media will be a breach of policy and action will be taken against them.

Amazon employees for climate justice said that they will continue to work towards making the company realize the real issue which is climate change and retaliation and firing the staff will not be an answer.

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