Alleged Metal Contracts Manipulation by JP Morgan!

They were caught manipulating rates for expensive metals that were on an 8-year agreement.

It’s usual to trade and invests but breaching trades will lead to very bad consequences and one such happened now with a previous executive of JP Morgan Chase &Co and two tradesmen. They were caught manipulating rates for expensive metals that were on an 8-year agreement.

These 3 men Gregg Smith, Michael Nowak, and Christopher Jordan were accused and were found guilty at the Chicago federal court and were speculated as the “largest illegal trade called spoofing.” The Justice panel stated that: the plan was all ears on “Bank’s precious-metal desk which includes branches in New York, London, and Singapore which had thousands of illegal orders which were to benefit the trader’s positions.”

Besides spoofing and other national crimes the denunciation charged against them is racketeering, which state illegality that is in cases that are organized. Officials stated that it has never happened like this were defendants are guilty of such a crime in the electronic market.

It was also said: “Based upon the fact it was conducted that was widespread on the desk, it was engaged in thousands of episodes, that it is precisely the kind of conduct that the RICO statute is meant to punish,” Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski said Monday.”

Chairman JP Morgan had positioned “Mr. Smith 55, Mr. Nowak 45, and an MD at the company while he was on leave,” told an insider. Whereas Jordan had stepped down in 2009 and started working with other banks as a metal trader.

However, the lawyer if Mr. Smith kept silent and Jordan’s attorney was not reachable and as of Mr. Nowak, his legal advisor told that: he will fight on behalf and hopes to clear the case.

Further, Mr. Benczkowski told:  that these allegations against JPMorgan traders are “stronger than prior ones because the alleged misconduct went on for many years, and the government has the backing of “multiple cooperating witnesses.”

It’s unfortunate that they have proceeded with the trial of Mike Nowak who is not at fault stated attorneys like “David Meister and Jocelyn Strauber of Skadden, Arps, Slate, and Meagher & Flom LLP.” As of CFTC, it has closed varied cases similar to this. So, legal advisors have mixed reports when it comes to high-end criminal cases.

The trading firm has millions of profit and forced loss on other traders up to tens of millions stated Mr. Benczkowski. He refused to comment on the other details with the media.

In addition, an exclusive lawsuit has been preceded with “civil enforcement against Mr. Novak and Mr. Smith in the Northern District of Illinois.” The other partner in crime John Edmonds was charged in October 2018 with “commodities fraud, price manipulation, and spoofing.”

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