

Ryan Reynolds Popular Tweets on His Children!

Having children especially toddlers gives quite a lot of life experience and celebrities are no new to it.

Having children especially toddlers gives quite a lot of life experience and celebrities are no new to it. Sharing their opinions and their emotions through social media has been quite common these days.

And Ryan Reynolds has been tweeting about his experience with his children. Here are few recent tweets of his:

The first thing he had come up with the fact of traveling with a child

“No matter which kids book I read to my screaming baby on an airplane, the moral of the story is always something about a vasectomy.”

His major advice on parenting

“It’s important kids eat 5 servings of vegetables daily. Even if childhood is just a dress-rehearsal for extraordinary adult suffering.”

Post his parenting advice he stated that:

“No. Put on Spider-Man (from 2002) and tell him it’s Deadpool. It’s what I do with my kids. Remember to look him straight in the eye when you lie. Good luck. “

Experience on Crashing his Bday Party

“My kids tried to surprise me for my birthday this morning. I totally heard them coming and snuck out to start a new life somewhere else.”

His Opinion on Gummy Bears

“Being a Dad isn’t just about eating a huge bag of gummy-bears as your wife gives birth. It means being comfortable with the word hero.”

When he Drew his Boundaries

“I’d walk through fire for my daughter. Well not FIRE, because it’s dangerous. But a super humid room. But not too humid, because of my hair.”

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