Cardi B publicly criticizes Trump - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

Cardi B publicly criticizes Trump

By : Caitlin
Jul 29, 2019

Cardi B and controversies are inseparable. The ‘I like it’ star doesn’t shy away from spewing out her political opinions on social media.

In her most recent antic, she called out on American President Donald Trump for the way he’s handled Police brutality, especially against people of color.

“Every single time I see a black man get killed or mistreated by the police, I just keep saying like, ‘what the f–k? Nobody gives a f–k. Nobody cares? Nobody cares?'” she said. “And I stopped saying that because nobody do care! Nobody cares. He don’t care. He don’t care”, she blasted in a video she posted on her Instagram profile.

She went on to draw a stark comparison between Trump and Obama, explaining how the previous President ‘cared’ and expressed remorse over racially motivated hate crime.

“At least when Obama was president, Obama used to always give a statement letting us know that he feels like it’s wrong. He feels it. He sees it. This guy, I know he sees it and he don’t give not one shit. I feel like police brutality is going to keep going until he’s [no longer] president. Until he’s [no longer] president, nothing is going to be done about police brutality.”

She also took a minute to spread positivity for the Democrats and was quite ardent on stopping Trump to win the 2020 election.


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Judging from her social media activity, she is a big-time supporter of Bernie Sanders and even posted a video of Senator Bernie Sanders appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Friday.



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