Bezos still the richest man after the costliest divorce in history! - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

Bezos still the richest man after the costliest divorce in history!

By : Caitlin
Apr 6, 2019

Divorce costs people dearly, but Jeff Bezos is leaving rich even after the costliest divorce in the world.

Jeff and Mackenzie’s divorce is final after 25 years of tumultuous relationship. And talking about the real master of the ‘Art of Deal’, he still is the richest man in the world despite the expensive divorce.

Going by numbers, Jeff Bezos will keep 75% of the couple’s joint Amazon stock along with voting control over his ex-wife’s share. This gives him a net worth of, hold your breath–

More than $110 Billion.

Even his ex-wife gets to gain by this splashy divorce. Mackenzie will be transferred 4% of Amazon stock that is, 19.7 million shares worth $35.7 billion making her the third richest woman in the world after the divorce.

Jeff also got all of Mackenzie’s shares in The Washington Post and Blue Origin, which was revealed in a tweet posted by her.

So, there it is– the most expensive divorce in history worth $36 Billion.


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