Keith Urban gets clicked in the loo by Nicole kidman - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

Keith Urban gets clicked in the loo by Nicole kidman

By : Henry
Aug 13, 2018

We know as a musician but he may have gone a little overboard with his talent. The 50-year old, who is now on his 58 city Graffiti U Tour; singer set up a gig in his hotel bathroom and was all set to record. His gorgeous wife, Nicole Kidman captured the moment and shared it on Instagram with the caption, “Whatever it takes to get the right sound when you’re recording. Nothing like the acoustics in a hotel bathroom,” The couple is uber cool and low-key, we love it!

Find no excuses all you music junkies! Find a bathroom!

Kieth started the tour in June and Nicole tags along whenever time permits.


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