Should Chris Evans star in Star Wars? - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

Should Chris Evans star in Star Wars?

By : Caitlin
Sep 30, 2019

Word is out that Kevin Feige, the Marvel Mastermind is set on to make Star Wars great again. The guy who made Avengers a massive success, is in the process of developing a a brand new galaxy far, far away in the sets of Hollywood. More information is yet to be revealed but the very fact that the same guy who’s done wonders in the MCU has been tasked to revamp Star Wars is enough to excite fans all around.

On top of that, rumors suggest that Feige has already made up his mind to cast a major actor for the Star Wars movie. And it seems one particular Avenger has taken a keen interest in donning up for the role.

Chris Evans responded to a tweet that mentioned Feige’s Star Wars movie. When Collider posted a tweet asking which MCU actor should appear in a Star Wars Movie, Chris replied with ‘Me’

Given his success in MCU and his fitting departure as Captain America, it would make sense to associate him to the Star Wars project. And given his acting range, he would likely ace whatever role he’s given and win over any audience. I mean, look, even he agrees.


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